Our Products
Tools for Marketing, Communications, Executive Business, Healthcare & Training
Executive Business, Healthcare and Training Products
Market: Executive Process, Communications, Legal, Compliance, Healthcare
The ProjectCenter
An Executive & Legal Project Center software that is a web and email-based tool for organizing, assigning, tracking and reporting of legal department projects for authorized members and outside vendor firms. Popular with in-house legal departments for tracking ongoing contracts and matter management. A cost-effective solution that has tremendous flexibility and is very user friendly.
Strategic Planning
Business Planning Process is a tool that allows for the creation and tracking of new business plan proposals from start to finish, in one place. Whether it is a new business plan, a joint venture or a new project involving multiple departments and outside vendors, individual tasks can be created, assigned and tracked to completion.
CourseWorks is an easy-to-use learning software tool that provides a highly effective way to deliver, track and implement e-learning and micro-learning experiences throughout an organization. A new approach to learning-based software that simplifies workflows and increases productivity for course authors, content managers and individual learners.
Entity Tracking
Entity Tracking is a tool that allows for the tracking of healthcare and other-related entities in one place. A software that enables members to start with a scheduled board meeting, walk through options, make selections and send email notifications about upcoming board meetings, along with meeting agendas, minutes and other attachments. Likewise, meeting summaries can be sent to executive leaders, team members and more.
Contract Manager
Contract Manager is a product developed to manage and track information and data related to all contracts of an organization. Contract Manager provides a central repository for storing your contracts and any connected documents or due dates that you want linked to your contracts. Its sophisticated reminder and reporting system make contract management an efficient, smooth-running process.
Peer Review
A tool that integrates seamlessly with ProjectCenter to facilitate the creation of a peer review network where administrators, facilitators, providers and reviewers are able to collaborate, online, to simplify the entire peer review process. The Peer Review tool helps healthcare organizations track and maintain up-to-date communications in a centralized location that is easily accessible by users across multiple departments, divisions and external parties.
Marketing & Communications Products
Market: Marketing & Communications Departments, Agencies, Printers
Marketing ToolKit
A web and email-based tool that provides a company, agency or printer complete control over its marketing materials. ToolKit allows for more design & production opportunities as it consolidates materials, from multiple vendors, into a single distribution method making it easy to communicate with end users.
A centralized solution for the online management of digital assets for projects that involve multiple audiences. Project-related materials can be sorted into specified groups which can then be selected, combined and delivered as branded, print-ready PDFs. This provides brand continuity and conveys a high level of professionalism.
The built-in newsletter tool is an excellent way to release new marketing information to the Toolkit audience.
Emailanator Newsletter
A web and email-based tool that gives you the ability to create and publish your own online newsletter and successfully email it to your target audience. Create multiple newsletters, event announcements, updates, etc., for multiple lists, within a master list, or create separate lists for different departments.
An efficient and effective way to release new marketing information to your audience. Easily manage current and past editions, repurpose for different uses and integrate into a company portal.
Simple, modern and easy to learn. It’s totally customizable, a necessity for maintaining brand consistency, and supports multiple newsletters, simultaneously, for organizations who require that type of service.
An online tool that makes it easy to manage the physical assets required to support on-location production work. Packdango makes it easy to inventory equipment, gear, tools and supplies as well as manage the process of tracking, packing and transporting to and from any destination.
Packdango for Campaigns
An online tool that makes it easy to manage the digital assets required to support multi-location campaign production and distribution. Packdango makes it easy to inventory digital assets, deadlines, teams and suppliers as well as consolidate all campaign materials in one location, something that is vital to brand consistency.
A few companies that use our products
Every tool in our product line is designed to make your life easier. Our software products are easy to learn, easy to use and can be customized to meet your unique needs. Our products operate as independent tools, but integrate together to create systems that align perfectly with your goals. Select only the tools you need to construct the right solution for your organization. The best part, you get exactly what you want and you only pay for the services you use.